Laura Lippman 's Books
Slow Burner (Hush collection)
Hints of Heloise
Baltimore Blues
Dream Girl
Lady in the Lake
Sunburn: A Novel
TMonaghan 12 - Hush Hush
Butchers Hill
In Big Trouble
What the Dead Know
Different for Girls
The Girl in the Green Raincoat
No Good Deeds
The Book Thing
Hardly Knew Her
Life Sentences
To the Power of Three
The Last Place
In a Strange City
The Most Dangerous Thing
Every Secret Thing
By a Spider's Thread
Five Fires
The Accidental Detective and other stories
After I'm Gone
Femme Fatale and other stories
Charm City
Another Thing To Fall
The Sugar House
Nasty Girls
Wilde Lake: A Novel
I'd Know You Anywhere
A very well recieved series by Laura Lippman are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Slow Burner (Hush collection), Hints of Heloise, Baltimore Blues, Dream Girl, Lady in the Lake, Sunburn: A Novel, TMonaghan 12 - Hush Hush, Butchers Hill, In Big Trouble, What the Dead Know, Different for Girls, The Girl in the Green Raincoat, No Good Deeds, The Book Thing, Hardly Knew Her, Life Sentences, To the Power of Three, The Last Place, In a Strange City, Sunburn, The Most Dangerous Thing, Every Secret Thing, By a Spider's Thread, Five Fires, The Accidental Detective and other stories, After I'm Gone, Femme Fatale and other stories, Charm City, Another Thing To Fall, The Sugar House, Nasty Girls, Wilde Lake: A Novel, I'd Know You Anywhere, which was published in 2022.